RPI has extensive experience in interpreting toxicity data and has a thorough understanding on the environmental factors that influence exposure pathways and toxicity. This expertise is important in supporting most of our technical services, including emergency response and natural resource damage assessment, and has also allowed us to develop realistic and defensible site-specific ecological risk assessments.

Our Services:

  • We design, develop, and maintain databases containing aquatic toxicity data for hazardous materials (e.g., oils, petroleum hydrocarbons, dispersants, and other chemicals) useful in informing potential environmental impacts from chemical incidents
  • We develop statistical procedures and models for the evaluation of biological responses to chemical exposures helping inform evaluations related to hazardous materials and ecological risk
  • We interpret toxicological test results based on analytical chemistry and our understanding of what it is considered an environmentally realistic exposure based on a particular situation or case

We have demonstrated experience in the following areas:

  • Analysis of Toxicity and Chemistry Data
  • Dose-Response and Probabilistic Modeling
  • Food-Web and Dietary Exposure Modeling
  • Derivation of Levels of Concerns and Toxic Thresholds
  • Complex Statistical Analyses
  • Database Development and Management

Related Projects:

  1. Chemical Aquatic Fate and Effects (CAFE)
  2. Database of the Toxicity of Dispersants (DTox)
  3. Kalamazoo River NEBA
  4. Chalk Point marsh study

Related Publications: Environmental Toxicology

Bejarano, AC, Raimondo, S and Barron, MG. 2017. Framework for Optimizing Selection of Interspecies Correlation Estimation Models to Address Species Diversity and Toxicity Gaps in an Aquatic Database. Environmental Science and Technology. 51(14):8158-8165.

Bejarano AC, Gardiner WW, Barron MG, Word JQ. 2017. Relative sensitivity of Arctic species to physically and chemically dispersed oil determined from three hydrocarbon measures of aquatic toxicity. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 122(1-2):316-22.

Bejarano AC, Farr JK, Jenne P, Chu V, Hielscher A. 2016. The chemical aquatic fate and effects database (CAFE), a tool that supports assessments of chemical spills in aquatic environments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 35 (6): 1576-1586. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/wol1/doi/10.1002/etc.3289/full

Bejarano AC, Barron MG. 2016. Aqueous and tissue residue-based interspecies correlation estimation models provide conservative hazard estimates for aromatic compounds. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35 (1): 56-64. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/etc.3164/full

Bejarano AC and Mearns A. 2015. Improving environmental assessments by integrating Species Sensitivity Distributions into environmental modeling: examples with two hypothetical oil spills. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 93(1-2):172-182. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0025326X15000594

Bejarano AC, Barron MG. 2014. Development and practical application of petroleum and dispersant interspecies correlation models for aquatic species. Environmental Science and Technology. 48 (8): 4564–4572. http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/es500649v

Bejarano AC, Clark J, Coelho, J.M. 2014. Issues and challenges with oil toxicity data and implications for their use in decision making: a quantitative review. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 33 (4): 732–742. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/etc.2501/full

Bejarano AC, Levine E, Mearns A. 2013. Effectiveness and potential ecological effects of offshore surface dispersant use during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: a retrospective analysis of monitoring data. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 185: 10281-10295. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10661-013-3332-y

Bejarano, AC and JK Farr. 2013. Development of short acute exposure hazard estimates: a tool for assessing the effects of chemical spills in aquatic environments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 32 (8): 1918-1927. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/etc.2255/full